I'm finding that with going in blind, not knowing how stats are spread within Pokemon, neutral natures are more desirable because then there's no risk of getting a bad one that negatively affects the wrong stat. I also caught a Ground-type Feebas that seems to be favor Attack. Items on the field are randomized too, found a Mental Herb in Viridian Forest for example. More shenanigans continue, I caught a Seedot that's pure Fighting with the Stench ability and Ice-type Horn Drill. I caught a Kirlia on Route 22, Dark/Ice, Poison Point, and it has Tail Glow! I had to get it.

The random encounters aren't limited to pre-evolved forms. My rival chose Bagon, so I was able to win without taking much damage. Guillotine has 20 PP! So I just kept using it until it hits. Yeah, I'm keeping Beldum, Bagon is useless. Bagon, Psychic/Ground, Truant, Fire-type moves: Safeguard, Gust, Pound, and Stomp. Rest, Water Pulse, and Grudge are also in the moveset. Duskull, Psychic-type, White Flute, Huge Power, Normal-type moves. Kinesis, Petal Dance, and Karate Chop are the Poison-type moves, Guillotine is Normal. Beldum is Flying/Rock with a White Flute attached to it, Soundproof, 3 Poison-type moves, and Guillotine. I feel like sharing some info about these, so I'm restarting a few times. The starter choices: Beldum, Bagon, Duskull. Not much more to say, time to get into this. I just hope all evolutions are level-up ones. I'm going to try and play this blind, not using a ROM editor to search stuff up. Pokemon, evolutions, movesets, move power and types, stats, everything. I found this, already randomized, on a ROMhack hosting site, by "SKR." You can easily find this by searching "Fire Red Extreme Randomizer." To put it simply, everything is randomized.