
Reddit pokemon extreme randomizer
Reddit pokemon extreme randomizer

reddit pokemon extreme randomizer

I'm finding that with going in blind, not knowing how stats are spread within Pokemon, neutral natures are more desirable because then there's no risk of getting a bad one that negatively affects the wrong stat. I also caught a Ground-type Feebas that seems to be favor Attack. Items on the field are randomized too, found a Mental Herb in Viridian Forest for example. More shenanigans continue, I caught a Seedot that's pure Fighting with the Stench ability and Ice-type Horn Drill. I caught a Kirlia on Route 22, Dark/Ice, Poison Point, and it has Tail Glow! I had to get it.

reddit pokemon extreme randomizer

The random encounters aren't limited to pre-evolved forms. My rival chose Bagon, so I was able to win without taking much damage. Guillotine has 20 PP! So I just kept using it until it hits. Yeah, I'm keeping Beldum, Bagon is useless. Bagon, Psychic/Ground, Truant, Fire-type moves: Safeguard, Gust, Pound, and Stomp. Rest, Water Pulse, and Grudge are also in the moveset. Duskull, Psychic-type, White Flute, Huge Power, Normal-type moves. Kinesis, Petal Dance, and Karate Chop are the Poison-type moves, Guillotine is Normal. Beldum is Flying/Rock with a White Flute attached to it, Soundproof, 3 Poison-type moves, and Guillotine. I feel like sharing some info about these, so I'm restarting a few times. The starter choices: Beldum, Bagon, Duskull. Not much more to say, time to get into this. I just hope all evolutions are level-up ones. I'm going to try and play this blind, not using a ROM editor to search stuff up. Pokemon, evolutions, movesets, move power and types, stats, everything. I found this, already randomized, on a ROMhack hosting site, by "SKR." You can easily find this by searching "Fire Red Extreme Randomizer." To put it simply, everything is randomized.

Reddit pokemon extreme randomizer