None of these region exclusive Pokemon are quite strong enough to really make a major dent on the list of best Pokemon in Pokemon Go, but several are useful in battle - and of course, they add to your Pokedex completion. Sometimes special events such as the 2019 world tourism day event might allow you to catch or hatch Pokemon outside of their natural regions - but this is a rare occurrence. So a Japan-exclusive Pokemon will only hatch from an egg that originated from a PokeStop or gift from Japan. In some cases the region exclusive Pokemon can hatch from eggs, depending on the egg chart - but these will still be limited by their regions. Either way, it's an opportunity for this silly little mobile game to encourage a cultural exchange - which is rather cool. Your only option to get your hands on these Pokemon, apart from special events, is to travel to a different part of the world or trade with friends who have visited or are from the regions where these Pokemon exclusively appear. The Pokemon Go regional exclusives range right from first-generation creatures right on up to region exclusive Pokemon from gen 5, the most recent addition to the world of Pokemon Go. The Pokemon Go Pokedex is bigger than ever now - and while you've likely got more than enough on your plate trying to catch 'em all in general, it unfortunately is even more complicated than it first appears thanks to region-exclusive Pokemon - creatures that only appear in certain parts of the world. No matter what you do, you won't find these region exclusive Pokemon in the wild outside of their natural habitats in Pokemon Go.